6 Steps to Waking Up Earlier and Becoming a Morning Person

6 Steps to Waking Up Earlier and Becoming a Morning Person

We hear every day that the early bird gets the worm, this saying makes living an earlier existence sound ideal with a peaceful morning and daily productivity. So today, you want to know how can you wake up earlier and be a little bit more of the morning person type… Well let me share with your 6 steps I used to shift my routine;

1. Ease Into New Sleep Time

Move slowly into an earlier wake-up time If you usually wake up at 7:30 a.m., set your alarm for just that much earlier. Remain in this new time for one or a couple days so your body can become acclimated to it, and as you repeat with the wake-stay asleep go through step by making small increases until you arrive at that sweet hour.

2. Establish a Soothing Bedtime Routine

Set a relaxing bedtime ritual to help you sleep. This may be done by lowering the lights, reading a book or practising relaxation techniques like meditation and light stretches. This will help you fall asleep more easily and wake up refreshed by telling your body that it is time to relax.

3. Limit Screen Time Before Bed

The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your body’s natural sleep patterns. Aim to turn off electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, use this time to engage in more calming activities, which can enhance your sleep quality and help you wake up feeling refreshed.

4. Design Your Sleep Environment

Quality rest begins with a decent sleep environment. Darkness, cool and quiet in room If you require; it may be worth considering using blackout curtains, white noise machine or earplugs. Additionally, a comfortable mattress and pillow can do wonders for you in terms of falling asleep fast as well as staying soundly asleep.

5. How to find the motivation for Waking up Early?

A reason to wake up each morning can really motivate you to get your butt out of bed! If you can find ways to inspire yourself and take a more active approach in the morning (wherever that inspiration may come from), rise with the sun, cup of coffee in hand, throw off your blanket and pick up an activity or two than give both meaning. A goal for those mornings can make waking up early towards something tangible at least one thing worth doing first-thing after crawling out from under it!

6. Stay Consistent

If you want to turn into a morning person, let me tell you: The secret is consistency. Establish a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends. This will help keep your body clock on track and enable you to wake up feeling fresh. The fact they more regular you will be, these all earlier morning hours could feel to normal.


So like we said earlier, becoming an early riser is a journey and it takes time to embrace this habit. Practicing these six steps will slowly help you change your habits and gain the advantages of those precious early hours. Find the stillness of it all, use that to your advantage & witness how those extra hours in your day not only allow for growth but fulfillment.

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