Keep watering yourself, even on the hard days. Growth takes time, but every drop of self-love counts

Nurturing Yourself: A Journey of Self-Love

When life is a whirlwind, it can be easy to forget yourself. We spend a lot of our time and energy on other people (friends, family & colleagues) yet can forget the most important person — you! Self-love is a necessity, never just some luxury and always on the hard days.

The Importance of Self-Care

Consider trying to grow a garden without watering it regularly. Nourishment, just as plants are nurtured to grow so too do we need nurturing for us to be able ,To Thive Any growth, whether it be emotional, mental or physical is always a time-consuming and patient process. Progress in our journey to better ourselves requires that we be gentle and patient with where each of us is. That growth is built, bit by tiny bit each time you love yourself enough to let your breathe take a moment of deep peace or engage in that pastime you hold dear; when all else fails, remember it is worthwhile giving grace for our selves.

Embracing Mondays

For many people, Mondays equalGreta a rebirth: the chance to start anew or maybe even just… set our intentions for the coming week. So instead of fearing about this day, we can make it a golden opportunity to control our health parameters. Let's take the time this week to look after our mental, physical and spiritual state of being. That might mean sitting down for meditation or doing some form of physical exercise regularly — whatever allows you to reconnect with your center.

You Deserve It

But the most important thing to remember is that you are worthy of all the kindness and love that you give. We often tend to pour ourselves completely without even conserving our energy. It is not being selfish to focus on self-care… It is an admission that we are worth it. We create a powerful nurturing energy to share with the world if we look after ourselves which means that even when it all goes, very pear shaped you find an inner strength to support others around.


As we trudge uphill and barrel down the other side, let us not forget to keep tending to our own gardens. All of that self-care counts, and it helps to sow the seeds for your growth foundation. That means committing to nurturing yourself this Monday. You are worth the care, after all, that you give so easily to everyone; and most especially to yourself. Welcome to the self-love process and see how it changes not only your life but others´ as well.

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