Emotions: the unseen force that shapes our lives. Learn how to navigate, express, and embrace them with wisdom

Emotions: The Invisible Force That Shapes Our Lives

We are constantly bombarded by our emotions which begets experiences that we live or interact with in our lives, and emotions of course… — damnnohtml They are the invisible undercurrent in our day-to-day, that shapes most of decisions we make, how well or shitty our relationships will be and define dictates whether you feel truly contained within yourself. Thus it is intrinsically essential to navigate, recognize and allow our emotions as they are according for the development both personally and emotionally.forChild

Navigating Our Emotions

Sometimes the experience of traveling through our emotional landscape can feel daunting to say the least. Our emotions are never cut and dry — they stem from multiple different factors, experiences & interactions. Without a lot of awareness, these arenas happen to us. Following are some points to guide you on the path:

  • Self-evaluation: Step back and think about your emotions, their causes. Use journaling to reflect on your emotions and notice patterns of when you are triggered.
  • Exercise Mindfulness Practices: Practicing mindfulness (or meditation) can help you get into the here and now, offer insight to your emotional well-being.
  • Ask for Help: It can be helpful to talk about your feelings with a friend you trust, or someone in the mental health profession (like me .

Wise Emotions

Additionally, knowing how to accept negative emotions is key but equally crucial is learning how to express those feelings. So by expressing our emotions in a healthy way it can actually help with communication and improve relationships. How to express emotions wisely

  • You Are in the Room: Speak from your heart, but considerate and mindful of people around you Trust and connection grows through authenticity.
  • The Right Time in the Appropriate Place : Timing can change how you or they feel about your emotions Take the time to find a safe space where you have permission(s) for both yourself and others on performance that allows for open dialogue.
  • Use 'I' Statements: Connect with your feelings by articulating them in terms of "I" statements rather than coming off aggressively. For example, I say something like this: ,"I feel . But "How can you do…" instead of You make me sad when .."

Embracing Your Emotions

That will feel more fluid if you accept your emotions as fellow human, rather than shoving them in the dark room under the stairs. StepsToImDivas Embracing Your… Forward Steps To Empower You With How you Feel

  • Show Yourself Compassion: Be nice to yourself when you're feeling down or going through tough emotions. Recognize that everyone has hard feelings and you are allowed to look for solace organs.
  • Let Yourself Feel: Allow yourself to feel the full range of painful or joyful emotions. This acceptance can pave the way for greater self-awareness and healing process.
  • Get creative: Expressing ideas or emotions through projects related to photography, art, writing or music can be thrilling! Even better, these outlets are a great way to express yourself and your emotions in an artful manner.

Emotion Expression Art

So much of your life can be improved by learning to express emotions. It leads to the possibility of real intimacy with others and creates community. This skill in part is attuned with emotional subtleties and delivers them thoughtfully.

Find out more in our latest blog where we explore this further and provide tips to improve your emotional literacy. When you learn to move through, talk about, experience your emotions, what this really means is that by simply learning how not run from and hide from life as it exists for just a moment in time on the inside of us — we effectively start arming our selves in ways unimaginable.


The unseen evidences of these, are emotions. It is worth the effort to understand and communicate these things in such a way that develops wisdom because we are all collectively experiencing life through you. Immerse yourself even more in the most crucial matter with us and take another step towards emotional intelligence.

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