Exercising for healthy skin and hair: How exercise improves them

Exercising for Healthy Skin and Hair: How It Enhances Your Appearance

We have too much to do in a day and so the urgency for skin care / hair maintenance takes one of back burners. You feel me, right but Adding in exercise to your routine can help immensely with helping you look and feel better. In this post, we will look at how physical activity can help your skin and hair.

How Exercise Affects The Skin

Increased Blood Circulation

One of the other biggest benefits to exercise is increased blood flow. As you workout and your heart rate goes up, blood flow increases to bring nutrients & oxygen that skin cells require. This improved blood flow assists in skin repair and renewal process as well, which is also responsible for healthy glowing skin.


In addition to obviously being a means of cooling down, sweating when you work it is your body's way of getting rid of toxic substances. The sweat glands open and this assist to remove toxins, pollutants that congest pores leads breakouts & make skin dull. By staying active on a regular basis, you encourage this process which helps give your skin that airbrushed look we all crave.

Stress Reduction

Physical fitness is a tried and tested crime reducer. For instance, if you are experiencing high levels of stress; skin all provides us with your a common sign that there is need to not get along such as acne or eczema and more severe conditions like psoriasis. Integrating some form of physical activity into your everyday life can go a long way in alleviating stress, which will ultimately help alleviate these common issues that contribute to damaged skin.

Enhanced Skin Elasticity

Without consistent exercise, your skin does very low collagen production. It is a protein, which gives structure and elasticity to your skin. Meanwhile, more flexible activities such as yoga and pilates can also work wonders throughout your life with long-term pay offs to your skin come promote youthful, elasticated skin.

Why exercise is Good for Your Hair

Nutrient Delivery

Just like the results on skin, exercise increases blood flow which is important for hair growth. More blood flow means that more hair follicles will receive the nutrients they need to keep healthy hairs. This extra nutrient boast could mean there is going to be less hair thinning and improved growth.

Hormonal Balance

Can help regulate hormones in the body. Imbalance of hormones is among hair problems that contribute to a loss and thinning. It is good to maintain the hormones by doing regular exercise as it can result in stronger and healthier hair.

Stress Management

Exercise also helps to reduce stress, which is good for your hair as mentioned earlier. Keeping your hair and scalp tension-free not only helps in achieving heavier or longer strands but also means you can avoid conditions like stress-induced shedding.

How to Work Out for Great Skin and Hair


  1. Water is your best friend as it plays a major role in the health of skin and hair. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercising
  2. Use The Correct Skincare Products: Try not to use skincare products that are too rich in consistency for your skin type and, most importantly before/ after working out. Properly washing before and after workouts also keeps face clean.
  3. Do Not Exaggerate: As important as it is to be consistent, exaggeration leads to stress and fatigue. Set a balance that suits you.
  4. Mix & Match: Work out on the treadmill, then dabble in a few reps with those weights you've been eyeing and wrap up your workout session by stretching at least three times a week to keep both skin and hair healthy.
  5. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Fuel your body with nutritious foods that support skin and hair health. Consider foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.


Working out will be your skin and hairs best friend. When you make an difficultly to do some physical activity, it is not only your looking that gains but everything else about your entire body. Go forth and change your skin and hair game with the power of exercise!

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